Lignum Fusion Premium Greige Oak

Range / Style Wood Innovations

£22.99 / SQM

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The price shown here is per square meter (SQM) and in the case of Rug, pricing is shown here as per piece. Gallery images represent the same product at the same pricing but with different patterns or colors.

Brand:Lignum Fusion


Pack Size:1.43m²

Dimensions: 1215mm x 196mm x 12mm

12mm Thickness15 Year Guarantee Under Floor HeatingWear Rating AC4Doc Loc


The Fusion 12mm Premium range offers a matt finish with an authentic embossed surface and v-groove edges to give the appearance of a traditional solid wood floor. It can be used in commercial premises and is more than suitable for any busy home. It is ideal for a lounge, hallway, kitchen or dining room.

Brand:Lignum Fusion


Pack Size:1.43m²

Dimensions: 1215mm x 196mm x 12mm

12mm Thickness15 Year Guarantee Under Floor HeatingWear Rating AC4Doc Loc